The Veil Nebula
An Intricate Fabric in the wake of a Spectacular Stellar Death

The Vela Supernova Remnant is a supernova remnant located in the constellation of Vela at a distance of 800 light years. The progenitor star exploded in relatively recent history some 11,000-12,300 years ago, and is one of the closest known supernova remnants. Although it covers a large area in the night sky, it is extremely faint and requires extensive exposures.
The colours of the supernova remnant tell us much about its composition. Where the red colour originates from hydrogen emissions (which are present in almost all emission nebulae), the teal colours are attributable to ionised oxygen which was expelled from the exploding star. These incredible explosions tell us something fundamental about our origins, which is that supernovae seed the Universe with the heavier elements beyond hydrogen and helium. Without these spectacular deaths to seed the cosmos with elements essential for life, humankind would most certainly not have existed. It is only through the death of these massive stars that we could be here to comprehend their existence.
Imaging Details
Location: Singapore
Date(s): Jan & Feb 19
Telescope: Astro-Physics 130 GTX at f/4.5
Camera: Atik 16200M, Baader & Chroma Filters
Mount: Losmandy G11/G2
Exposure (min): HII - 195, OIII - 120 (Total: 5.3 hours)
Image reduction, integration and processing with Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight.